Introducing calendR: Streamlined Calendar Creation in R


The “calendR” package comprises a function titled “calendR()” A versatile function designed to simplify calendar creation and customization within the R programming.The beauty of the “calendR()” function lies in its simplicity and flexibility. By default, it generates a calendar for the current year in landscape format (try to run : calendR()).
Here, We will be using two distinct use cases of “calendR()”:

  1. Yearly Calendar: to display holidays (special events)

  2. Monthly calendar (heatmap): to display daily returns of Nifty50

Let us begin with Installing and loading the required package


1) Yearly Calendar

Highlighting Trading Holidays for the year 2024

Creating the dataset for Holidays


  • Only special days need to be highlighted, hence all the other values should be ‘NA’

  • The vector should have a length corresponding to the number of days in the year or month, depending on the type of calendar being generated.

#Creating a vector with NAs, 2024 is a leap year, hence 366 days
year_vector<- rep(NA, 366) 

#Store Dates of Special Event/ Holidays
holiday_dates<-c("26-01-2024", "08-03-2024", "29-03-2024", "26-03-2024", 
                 "11-04-2024", "17-04-2024", "01-05-2024", "17-06-2024",
                 "17-07-2024", "15-08-2024", "02-10-2024", "01-11-2024", 
                 "15-11-2024", "25-12-2024")
holiday_dates<-as.Date(holiday_dates, format = "%d-%m-%Y")

#Getting the days (index of the date)
day_num<- yday(holiday_dates) # from library lubridate

# Adding Holiday names to the respective day
year_vector[c(day_num)] <- c("Republic Day","Mahashivratri","Holi","Good Friday",
                            "Id-Ul-Fitr (Ramadan Eid)","Shri Ram Navmi",
                            "Maharashtra Day","Bakri Id","Moharram",
                            "Independence Day/Parsi New Year",
                            "Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti","Diwali Laxmi Pujan*",
                            "Gurunanak Jayanti","Christmas")

Plotting the Holiday Calendar

calendR(year = 2024,                                   #Year for which the calendar needs to be created
        special.days = year_vector,                    #Dates that need to be highlighted
        special.col = c("#a8e6cf","#dcedc1","#ffd3b6",
                        "#b100fe","#eb1438"),          #Color of the special.days, should be equal to the number of days to be colored
        legend.pos = "right",                          #Position for the legend (Holiday Names)
        weeknames = c( "M" , "T" , "W" , "T" ,"F" , "S" , "S" ),   #Format for Weeknames 
        mbg.col ="#ffc03e",                            #Background color of month name
        months.col = "blue",
        orientation = "landscape")                     #default is landscape, try "portrait"

2) Monthly Calendar (Heatmap)

Displaying daily returns for the month of March 2024

        Date daily.returns
1 2024-03-01          0.02
2 2024-03-02            NA
3 2024-03-03            NA
4 2024-03-04          0.00
5 2024-03-05          0.00
6 2024-03-06          0.01

Plotting Heatmap-Calendar for the above daily returns data

 calendR(year = 2024,                                   #Year for calendar creation
         month = 3,                                     #Month for calendar creation
         special.days = march_return$daily.returns,     #Dates that need to be highlighted
         special.col = "#F8FF00",                       #Color for the special.days
         low.col = "#DC143C",                           #Color for the lowest values of special.days
         gradient = TRUE,                               #Creates heatmap effect
         text.pos = day(march_return$Date),             #Days for text insertion in the calendar
         text = scales::percent(march_return$daily.returns), #Displaying the daily returns (works only for Monthly calendars)
         text.col = "#000000",                          #Text color
         title = "Nifty 50 daily returns",              #Title
         subtitle = "March 2024",                       #Sub title
         days.col = "#000000",                          #Day of the month color
         weeknames.col = "#4682B4",                     #Weekday name color
         title.col = "#191970",                         #Title color
         legend.pos="bottom")                           #Position for the legend